Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Sub Song

Yesterday morning at 07:30 a Song Thrush was belting forth again at Sainsbury's Garage in Cramlington and Crammy Birder heard a Chiffchaff. It's a bit early for Spring and I fear that we may be in for some rough weather yet.

This morning I set off for work a little later. At 08:00 at Blackbird was picking berries from the Cotoneaster in our front garden. Between each mouth full it paused to whisper its sub song. Hardly audible, even from four metres, but an almost perfect soft rendition of the beautiful sound to follow when it reaches its breeding ground.

This was one of several very jet black birds with a brilliant yellow bill that have graced our garden over the past few weeks. As I passed by to leave for work, no more than three metres away, it didn't flinch. The thought entered my head that it may be a migrant from the northern Europe wilderness and viewed me as some sort of strange bear.