Over the last four years I’ve heard a Yellow Browed Warbler calling
from deep cover twice, with out as much as tail feather in view. I have missed
seeing one whilst standing with a group, including my beloved, all of whom saw
it. So when Bird Guide showed several Northumberland sightings during last
week, I decided that this weekend I would head for St. Mary’s Island, the site
of my previous failures.
St. Mary’s was rather quiet and the tide well out. A Persil
white Med Gull accompanied a flock of Black Headed.
There was a light passage of Skylarks and Linnets were their
usual busy selves. A WillowChiff (didn’t show enough to see which) a few
Blackbirds and a Robin were the only obvious occupants of the scrub surrounding
the pond. A young man informed me that a Yellow Browed had been seen at
Cresswell Pond, so off I ventured. En route a Buzzard drifted low and Harrier
like near Laverock Hall Farm, causing me to take a second look.
On arriving at Cresswell two people were peering into the
Willow scrub. I saw my first fleeting glimpse and then a two second full side
view in perfect I.D. guide pose. So another bogy bird on the life list. Lovely
bird, well worth the wait; its diminutive size was emphasised when a Dunnock
came into view and looked a lot bigger.
Also in the bushes were a charm of at least fifty
Goldfinches and the usual crop of Tree Sparrows. I sat for about forty minutes
to see if the YBW would show again. It was seen by others watching further
along the track, but for the time being I’ll have to make do with the one and a
half views. Three Blue Tits fed on the bounty of flies only a metre from where
I sat.
Cresswell Pond has suffered as a result of the hide tide as
far as wader watching is concerned, although I suspect the occasional deluge of
sea water is necessary to maintain its brackish nature, which is the main
reason for its being a nature reserve. The high tide has blocked the outflow,
so the water is very high and only the west spit remains. It’s difficult to see
how NWT can avoid regular blockages without expensive major civil engineering.
One visitor picked up the Little Stint and a possible Ruff,
both of which were beyond my antique scope. There were lots of Curlews in the area
from the pond to Druridge Pools. A flock of around twenty Turnstones were
surprise visitors and it was nice to see fourteen Golden Plovers in with large
flock of Redshanks on the west bank. A single Kestrel was the only raptor on
Last week I visited the pond and there were twelve Med
Gulls, the Stint and the Ruff, all in good view on the main spit, which, pre
deluge, was ideal for waders.
As I was about to leave a Water Rail twice called from the reeds,
sounding like someone stabbing a pig.
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